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[Postdoctoral fellowship] 프랑스 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral fellowship

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Apply to Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral fellowship with IMT Atlantique and join us!

Thinking about your next career step and willing to boost your career by joining a technological university ranked among the top 400 universities in the world (Top 151-175 for Computer Science and Engineering, Top 201-250 for Physical sciences (THE ranking), Top 201-300 for Management (Shangaï ranking)]) and 22th to the THE World’s Best Small Universities Rankings (2022) ?

Willing to experience intersectoral, interdisciplinary and/or international research?

Looking to carry out your research in a new technological university putting industrial, environmental, societal and/or digital transitions as a priority challenge?

In that case you can apply for a Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship with IMT Atlantique as host institution!

In addition to open topics that you may submit to IMT supervisors, the following specific topics are open:

Topic 1: Nuclear Reactor modelling. Supervisor: Lydie GIOT

Topic 2: Study and optimization of high rate pairing of ionization and scintillation signals produced by high energy gamma-rays with the XEMIS2 camera. Supervisor : Dominique Thers

Topic 3: Machine Learning for 6G-Era Smart Wireless Environments. Supervisor: Samir Saoudi

Topic 4: Investigating multimodal perception for augmented humans and immersive technologies. Supervisor: Etienne Peillard

Topic 5: Sustainable advanced fuels and biorefineries. Supervisor: Sary Awad.


Topics  are described here:


