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[항공료 보조/학부생] 일본 Hokkaido Summer Institute 2024

  • 작성자


  • 등록일


  • 조회수


우리 공과대학과 교환학생 협정이 체결 된 일본 북해도대학 2024 하계강좌로 선발 된 공대 학부생에 한해 공과대학에서 항공료 보조금을 지원해 드리오니 많은 관심 바랍니다.

- 대상: 공대 소속 학부생 (자유전공학부, 복수/부전공자 및 기 단기강좌 선발자 제외)

- 지원금: 항공료 일부 (상한액 있음)

- 지원조건: 서울대 학점으로 6학점 이상 신청 되는 경우 (현지교 성적표도 제출 되어야 함)

- 항공료 지원 문의: 공대 국제협력실 kavkr@snu.ac.kr, 880-8079

- 지원서 작성, 수강과목 문의hokkaido_summer@oia.hokudai.ac.jp



그림입니다.원본 그림의 이름: mem00004a5c09c4.jpg원본 그림의 크기: 가로 1723pixel, 세로 267pixel

   Hokkaido Summer Institute 2024

Website is opened!

In 2024, more than 160 world-leading researchers from overseas will provide various lectures with our university’s faculty members during the summer for the HSI, which was established in 2016 and more than 1,100 international students have participated so far. From 2020, we also accept applications from non-students.

145 courses (98 graduate courses and 47 undergraduate courses) will be offered in 2024 summer. Each course conducted in English is worth 1 or 2 academic credits. Most of the courses run for one or two weeks, so students can tailor their own summer program by combining courses according to their major, interests and their schedule. Many courses have an option of online format.


Tuition fee will be waived for students who enroll in the program as exchange students from HU’s partner institutions with which HU has concluded a departmental exchange agreement on mutual tuition waivers (except for HSI Extension/Professional Program in Japanese courses). Students are required to take at least one course organized by the HU department which your institution has concluded the agreement with. The number of HSI students is not included in the exchange quota.


Hybrid: 40
Face-to face:98
Online: 7

Application period
March 1 (Fri.) 11 (Mon.), 2024 (All courses)
For the additional application periods, please refer to the website.

For more details, please visit our website and Facebook/Instagram:



Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.






