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Dr. Bryan S. Kim of SNU College of Computer Science and Engineering, Appointed Professor at Syracuse University in the U.S.

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Dr. Bryan S. Kim of SNU College of Computer Science and Engineering, Appointed Professor at Syracuse University in the U.S.

▲ Dr. Bryan S. Kim of SNU College of Computer Science and Engineering

Dr. Bryan S. Kim of SNU College of Computer Science and Engineering was appointed as Assistant Professor of the College of Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at the prestigious Syracuse University in the U.S in August 2019.
Professor Bryan S. Kim's main area of research reliability guarantees for data storage systems and devices. In between the continuously deteriorating hardware guarantee and the continuously growing demand for data, his research involves the configuration of systems and devices with minimal performance deviation.
This includes research of storage media such as flash memory, file systems, databases, as well as other fields that heavily require data application. His research findings were published in academic journals in systems such as FAST, ATC, RTAS and SIGMETRICS.
Starting from the fall semester of 2019, Professor Bryan S. Kim will be providing a lecture for graduate students of Syracuse University on Data Storage Technology and plans to teach Computer Organization to sophomores in the coming spring semester of 2020.
Professor Bryan S. Kim earned his doctorate in February 2018 under the guidance of Professor Sang Lyul Min of the College of Computer Science and Engineering at SNU
[For further information]
Bryan S. Kim, Assistant Professor at the College of Engineering and Computer Science, Syracuse University / https://eecs.syr.edu / bkim01@syr.edu
[Professor Bryan S. Kim’s Profile]

  • Seoul National University Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering (February 2018)
  • Seoul National University M.S. Computer Science and Engineering (August 2009)
  • University of California, Berkeley B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Major Publications
  • Youil Han, Bryan S. Kim, Jeseong Yeon, Sungjin Lee, and Eunji Lee. TeksDB: Weaving Data Structures for a High-Performance Key-Value Stores. In International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, 2019
  • Bryan S. Kim, Jongmoo Choi, and Sang Lyul Min. Design Tradeoffs for SSD Reliability. In USENIX Conference on File and Storage Techologies, 2019: 281–294
  • Bryan S. Kim, Hyun Suk Yang, and Sang Lyul Min. AutoSSD: an Autonomic SSD Architecture. In USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 2018: 677–689
  • Bryan S. Kim and Sang Lyul Min. QoS-aware Flash Memory Controller. In IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, 2017: 51–62
  • Eyee Hyun Nam, Bryan S. Kim, Hyeonsang Eom, and Sang Lyul Min. Ozone (O3): An Out-of-Order Flash Memory Controller Architecture. In IEEE Transactions on Computers, 60(5): 653–666, 2011