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Computer Science and Engineering


The study of computer science and engineering are now essential to success in the current information society. Researchers in this field study the design and production of high-performance computers, write operating system and application software, and apply these tools across the entire industry. This suggests that computer engineering is concerned not only with theory but also with applications to daily life. Thus, the development of computer engineering is important not only for the information industry but also for manufacturing and commerce across the entire nation.

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The study of computer science and engineering demands logical reasoning and
original thinking based on engineering and scientific knowledge.

Computer software and hardware interact with each other. Thus, research and experiments examine specialized aspects of hardware and software, the structure of a computer, operating systems, databases, programming languages, computer communication, computer aided design , artificial intelligence, algorithms, natural language processing, multimedia systems, object-oriented systems, distributed systems, and real-time systems.

The computer industry integrates technology and human thought, and it is designated and supported as a national priority. However, the country lacks high-quality personnel in this field, and this is expected to be the case for some time. Because the scope of this field is expanding, the shortage is expected to become worse. To slow down and eventually end this trend, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering will research the development of new computer-related technologies in order to foster talented new computer engineers.

Career Opportunities

Graduates usually enter related industries or academia within and outside of the country. Some entrepreneurs with creative ideas launch venture businesses.

Undergraduate (total 47)
공공기관, 대기업, 중소기업, 행정기관, 특허법인, 진학, 기타 졸업 후 진로 정보 표
Public Institutions Conglomerate Small Business Administrative Agencies Patent & Law Firm Higher Education Others
2.13% 25.53% 10.64% 2.13% 2.13% 38.30% 19.15%
Master (total 58)
공공기관, 대기업, 중소기업, 학교, 비영리법인, 연구소, 진학, 기타 졸업 후 진로 정보 표
Public Institutions Conglomerate Small Business Education Non-profit corporation Research Institutes Higher Education Others
5.17% 39.66% 15.52% 3.45% 1.72% 1.72% 8.62% 24.14%
Dr. (total 13)
대기업, 학교, 공공기관, 기타 학교 졸업 후 진로 정보 표
Conglomerate Education Public Institutions Others
38.46% 23.08% 15.38% 23.08%
Research Areas
Database and Web Research Group

Databases and the web are core technologies for integrating the storage and processing of large data sets. This research group, by applying new technologies and processes, studies the improvement and development of standard management methods, as well as possible e-commerce alternatives. This work is essential for the use of computer and communication technology today because almost all information exchange is based on the Internet. This group also studies data warehouses, data mining, web databases, multimedia databases, and mobile databases in order to develop effective technology for searching, storing, using, and processing data.

OS and Distributed System Research Group

This group conducts research on operating systems and distributed systems. Detailed areas of study on operating systems include the analysis and improvement of open-source operating system software, secure file systems for small embedded instruments, and operating system design. Buffer caches and replacement algorithms, which manage storage devices such as HDD and flash memory, are also studied. Distributed systems are investigated in order to analyze and improve the performance of parallel processing frameworks for large-scale data processing.

Computing Theory and Financial Engineering Research Group

The computing theory area covers the basic principles and evaluation methods for computer-related problems. Theories are a necessary basis for new solutions. Research topics in computing theory include cryptology, web search engines, and string algorithms. The financial engineering area analyzes stock prices and other aspects of the financial market. The use of computers in the finance area enable analysis from various theoretical perspectives in this area. The financial engineering area investigates technologies for forecasting stock price patterns.

Artificial Intelligence Research Group

The Artificial Intelligence Research Group attempts to impart intelligence to computers, not only to solve current problems more effectively, but also to devise better solutions to previous problems. Research areas include the development of recognition-based artificial technology using the primary information-processing methods of the brain; the development of an artificial learning architecture and algorithms by copying the human learning and mnemonic process; the application of evolutionary computation by copying the evolution of ecosystems, genetic programming, and biomolecular computing technologies; and computer vision, for supplying visual cognition to computers. On the basis of these fundamental technologies, the group conducts research on ecosystem modeling, the intelligent web, user interfaces, software/hardware reliability evaluation, image recognition and reasoning, pattern recognition, language processing based on the brain, and robot recognition and learning.

Embedded Systems Research Group)

Embedded system are those with a built-in operating system. Products such as home appliances require an operating system in order to connect to the network, so embedded operating systems are becoming increasingly important. Research in this area covers the design, realization, and analysis of computing systems, such as real-time systems, low-power systems, and built-in systems.

Computer Network Research Group

The Computer Network Research group develops technologies for future Internet architecture designs and essential features, with a focus on technology standardization, future Internet research development, and the development of the industry. Efforts are also directed toward future Internet technology theories and innovation, global research and its relationship to the industry, and the development of talented IT personnel.

Computer Graphics and HCI Research Group

The computer graphics field covers animation, robotics, computer games, and virtual reality, and research in this area is aimed at solving geometrical problems and modeling and visualizing three-dimensional shapes. The field of human-computer interaction (HCI) studies the reciprocal actions between humans and computers. Research on HCI is multidisciplinary and complex because it involves psychology, sociology, and other areas. In computer engineering, the focus is on realizing and evaluating computer systems.

Software Principles and Engineering Research Group

Research on software engineering covers systematic techniques and management methods for producing and maintaining software products within time and cost constraints. The study of parallel processing investigates programming models and environments, parallel compilers, the structure of parallel computers, meta computing, and cluster computing. The computer system area involves program analysis, programming language systems, automatic software error verification, and software conversion.