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Professor Sung-Hoon Ahn of SNU, Selected as Fellow Member of The International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP)

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Professor Sung-Hoon Ahn of SNU, Selected as Fellow Member of The International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP)

(사진) 서울대 기계공학부 안성훈 교수
Sung-Hoon Ahn, Professor of SNU Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, receiving the Fellow Membership certificate from President Dumur at the CIRP General Assembly.

SNU College of Engineering (Dean Kookheon Char) announced that Sung-Hoon Ahn, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, has been selected as a Fellow Member of the International Academy for Production Engineering.
Professor Sung-Hoon Ahn has been credited for academic achievements like 3D printing, micro/nano manufacturing, sensors, soft robots and smart factory. On August 24 at the 69th International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) General Assembly held in Birmingham, England, CIRP presented Professor Sung-Hoon Ahn with the Fellow Membership certificate.
The International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) is a leading academic organization in which industry-academic researchers from more than 50 countries around the world establish an international network and lead the latest research and academic activities in production engineering. Established in 1951, the CIRP headquarters are located in Paris, France. 150 Fellow Members are currently active at an international scale and have been elected for their contributions to the field of production engineering. Including Professor Sung-Hoon Ahn, there are four Fellow Members that are from Korea.