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Seoul National University's College of Engineering Holds a Premiere of “SNU-Dongsuh Startup Produce 34” To Support Promising Startups

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Seoul National University's College of Engineering
Holds a Premiere of “SNU-Dongsuh Startup Produce 34”
To Support Promising Startups
- Production of promotional videos and the release of a YouTube channel
to discover promising startups
- Hoping to play the role of a blessed rainfall during a drought for startups to grow to the next level
 Watching the online premiere
Seoul National University's College of Engineering (Dean Kookheon Char) announced on August 17 (Tuesday) that an online premiere was held on August 4 (Wednesday) for "SNU-Dongsuh Startup Produce 34", a program to support the production and distribution of corporate promotional videos for digital marketing and investment attraction of promising startups.
This program was designed for the purpose of supporting the external activities of many startups that have faced many difficulties in the aftermath of COVID-19.
For each season, a total of 34 promising start-ups are discovered to produce digital promotional videos that can be used for various purposes such as marketing, investment attraction, and recruiting, and the video will be released on the YouTube channel of the SNU Engineering Consulting Center of the College of Engineering.
The online premiere was conducted by broadcasting the contents in a non-face-to-face environment to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Companies selected through online audition voting for about two weeks will be awarded a prize of 500,000 to 1 million won in each marketing and IR division.
Dean Kookheon Char of Seoul National University's College of Engineering, who attended the online premiere, said, “Due to the unprecedented situation of COVID-19, things that were taken for granted in the past have become impossible. However, we must always attempt to try and find new possibilities and create values that will lead the future of our societies.”
The SNU Engineering Startup Plaza (Gongzone 34), where the filming of the corporate promotional videos and the online premiere was held, serves as a hub for technology startups at Seoul National University's College of Engineering, and was established in May 2017 and opened in March 2019 with the Engineering Development fund donated by Chairman Suk Soo Kim of Dongsuh Foods Co., Ltd.

Group photo of online premiere attendees
"Start-ups that have just started, no matter how competent they are, can face difficulties in marketing and financing. We hope that startups will be able to grow further through the help received from marketing and investment attraction that can be achieved from this program," said Chairman Suk Woo Kim who attended this online premiere.
"In such a situation where COVID-19 has made the promotion of businesses greatly difficult, we expect this opportunity to play the role of a blessed rain in a drought for the startups," said Kisuk Kang, Head of the SNU Engineering Consulting Center, who is in charge of planning and hosting the program.
Meanwhile, this season's first program had 11 promising startups in the fields of biology, AI, medicine, finance and education participate, including Pitter Petter (CEO Junho Park), Mind Hub (CEO Hae-Sung Lee), Picture Dialogue (CEO Ji-Hyeon Moon), DeepTrade (CEO Yejun Soun/CTO U Kang), Blue Signum (CEO Jeonghyun Yoon), JunctionMed (CEO Ji-min Park), Site Vision (CEO Jeong-bin Hwang), Lumigloo (CEO Ingu Kang), Duruna (CEO Doo-gon Kim), PGRD (CEO Kim Tae-wan), Propwave (CEO Seung-hyun Kim) and promotional videos of each company can be viewed through the YouTube channel of the SNU Engineering Consulting Center.