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Seoul National University College of Engineering Holds a Business Agreement Ceremony With Gwacheon National Science Museum on September 28

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Seoul National University College of Engineering
Holds a Business Agreement Ceremony With

Gwacheon National Science Museum on September 28
- With the purpose of collaboration in the field of science education and career experience
- Promotion of mutual cooperation to foster creative talent and spread scientific culture
(From left) Dean Byoungho Lee of Seoul National University's College of Engineering,
Director Jeong-mo Lee of Gwacheon National Science Museum

Seoul National University's College of Engineering (Dean Byoungho Lee) announced on September 28 (Tuesday) that a business agreement ceremony with the Gwacheon National Science Museum (Director Jeong-mo Lee) was held.
The signing ceremony was held at 11 p.m. on September 28 (Tuesday) in the BK lecture room of the first basement floor at the SNU College of Engineering's building number 39, and was organized for mutual cooperation in fostering creative talent and spreading science culture.
Many officials, including Dean Byoungho Lee of SNU College of Engineering, Jung-Ik Ha – Vice Dean of Planning, Yong-Su Na – Vice Dean of Students, Ho Won Jang – Vice Dean of Research, Eun Hae Jung - Director of External Cooperation Division of the College of Engineering, as well as Director Jeong-mo Lee of Gwacheon National Science Museum, Hae Hyun Park - Head of the Education and Culture Division, Doo-won Lim - Exhibition Manager, Kyu-Man Lee – Head of High Technology, attended at the day of the signing ceremony to brighten the event.

Through this agreement, it is hoped that a variety of collaborations will be achieved regarding △scientific education and the joint development as well as operation of career experience business, △ co-hosting of scientific culture events and exhibition advisory, △ scientific education•culture business and joint advertising and △ any other issue related to the scientific education and culture business that align with the functioning of both bodies.
The Gwacheon National Science Museum will manage student recruitment and student groups, and Seoul National University's College of Engineering will provide mentoring groups consisting of professors and undergraduate/graduate students, and major projects include engineering stories with professors, stories about the department from SNU College of Engineering students, and science education programs such as foreign professors/student volunteer work and engineering festivals run by graduate students etc. as well as mentoring groups composed of groupings in terms of departments/undergraduates/majors that are planned for activities such as participating in exhibition halls and exhibition reviews at the Gwacheon National Science Museum.
Meanwhile, in 2021, an on/offline pilot project will be promoted to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and from 2022, the project will be prioritized and promoted sequentially.
"Through this agreement, by utilizing the excellent talents of the College of Engineering and the various facilities of the Gwacheon National Science Museum, we hope that it will serve as an opportunity to become a new generation of creative talents in the future and expand the base of science and engineering into one that can be approached in a friendly manner, rather than remain as one that is unfamiliar and difficult," said Byoungho Lee, Dean of SNU College of Engineering who attended the signing ceremony.
“We hope that this cooperation with Seoul National University's College of Engineering will serve as an opportunity for more creative talents to lead Korea in the future. Combining the capabilities of the Gwacheon National Science Museum and Seoul National University will open a new era for science education and culture,” said Director Jeong-mo Lee of Gwacheon National Science Museum, expressing his expectations for the agreement.
△ Group Photo