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Professor Geehyun Kim of the Department of Nuclear Engineering Receives the Young Researcher Award at the 2021 Autumn Conference of the Korea Association for Radiation Protection

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Professor Geehyun Kim of the Department of Nuclear Engineering Receives the Young Researcher Award at the 2021 Autumn Conference of the Korea Association for Radiation Protection

▲ Professor Geehyun Kim who received the Young Researcher Award (Right)
Professor Geehyun Kim of Seoul National University College of Engineering's Department of Nuclear Engineering received the Young Researcher Award at the 2021 Korea Association for Radiation Protection's Autumn Conference. Professor Geehyun Kim was also awarded the iTRS Radiation Measurement Technology Award by the Korea Association for Radiation Protection in 2018.
Professor Geehyun Kim is the only one to have won the Young Researcher Award after having won the iTRS Radiation Measurement Technology Award as well.